The Wildling Library
Yoga is so much more than asana, and in your journey there will probably come a time when you wonder just how some Sanskrit applies to daily life or how the physical practice relates to yoga’s transformative powers. Arriving at a coherent understanding of this rich and varied tradition takes lots of exploration and contemplation, but books can become great friends and guides along the path.
Below our teachers have gathered a small selection of firm favourites that have supported us, provided a broader understanding of the practice and offered a deeper awareness of how yoga can impact our lives. All worthy of curling up with on a winter's eve…
‘Bringing Yoga to Life’ - Donna Farhi
Possibly my favourite book on yoga, as it weaves in so much wisdom and philosophy on yoga whilst maintaining a lightness and an accessibility for anyone interested in the practice.
“When we practice asanas from an interior perspective, we bring our minds back into the body. Instead of directing the body as a separate entity, we relocate our minds within our body and begin to listen to the nonverbal, nonmental information contained within the soma. As we give our full attention to every breath, movement, and the subtlest of sensations, the body becomes mindful, and the mind becomes embodied.”
Also ‘Embodying the Yoga Sutras’ - Ranju Roy & David Charlotin
‘One Simple Thing, A New Look At The Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life’ - Eddie Stern
Also ‘The Lost Teachings of Yoga’ - Georg Feuerstein & ‘Inner Engineering - A Yogi’s Guide to Joy’ - Sadhguru
’To Know Your Self’ - Swami Satchidananda
Read before my YTT and I was captivated, it made me question lots, dig a little deeper in terms of my own self reflection and I still dip into it now five years later.
“In this inspiring compilation of teachings and stories, he offers guidance for everyday problems in family life and business, and shows hot to realise universal consciousness.”
Also ‘Brightening Our Inner Skies: Yin and Yoga’ - Norman Blair
‘The Power of Now’ - Ekhart Tolle
It opened my eyes to being present and how we spend much of our lives drifting without being truly aware and appreciative of each moment.
‘Anatomy of Hatha Yoga’ - H. David Coulter
An awesome book that may appeal to someone looking for a scientific approach. A comprehensive look at anatomy and physiology of the practice by a dedicated yogi-scientIst.
‘Yoga And The Quest For The True Self’ - Stephen Cope
Also ‘A Path With Heart’ - Jack Kornfield, ‘Awakening The Spine’ - Vanda Scaravelli, ‘If Women Rose Rooted’ - Sharon Blackie, ‘To Speak for the Trees’ - Diana Beresford-Kroger, ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’ - Robin Wall Kimmerer & ‘The Children’s Fire’ - Mac Macartney
‘The Art Of Contemplation’ - Richard Rudd
Also ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’ - Robin Wall Kimmerer & ‘The Missing Element’ - Debra Silverman
‘Journey To The Heart’ - Melody Beattie
‘Rushing Woman’s Syndrome’ - Dr Libby Weaver
Every woman should read it! Great explanations of why yoga is so good for us to do.
‘The Body Keeps The Score’ - Bessel Van Der Kold, M.D.
It helps weave science into the traditional knowledge of yoga. Proving with evidence based research that the practice is an incredibly healing therapy; it’s inherent focus on the breath and positive impact on the health of the mind and body. It inspired my favourite teaching cue '“Be interested, not interesting”.
“As I often tell my students, the two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “Notice that” and “What happens next?” Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”
‘Yoga Nidra’ - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Also ‘The Alchemist’ - Paolo Coelho
‘The Tao Of Pooh’ - Benjamin Hoff
Also ‘The Breathing Book’ - Donna Farhi & ‘Body by Breath’ - Jill Miller
‘Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness’ - Erich Schiffmann
Also ‘The Bhagavad Gita’ - Swami Sivananda & ‘The Complete Book Of Yoga’ - Swami Vivekananda
‘Myths or the Asanas’ - Alanna Kaivalya & Arjina Van Der Kooij
Also ‘Teaching Yoga’ - Donna Farhi
‘Practical Ayurveda: Find Out Who You Are and What You Need to Bring Balance to Your Life’ - Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
Also ‘The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga’ - Deepak Chopra and David Simon